
So it seems that just as quick as journeys end, so to, journeys begin. We have just come off our Mexico project, finally feeling normal again, and yet here we are scrolling maps and planning out the next adventure. Mount St Helens. Washington State, here we come, and I couldn’t be more excited. Mount St Helens has been talked about in our circle for a … Continue reading #nextadventure

Once upon a time in Mexico

A crazy trip, 5 days, no sleep (well, barely), 2 guides, 4x4ing, tacos, and hell of a mountain to climb. This is how we mountaineer: Pico de Orizaba. And we’re off! 4/24/19 The day is here. Inception to realization. It’s 1145pm. I’m sitting at the tail end of a plane, 2 beers deep at Vancouver international airport. Exhausted from work. How did I get here? … Continue reading Once upon a time in Mexico